1.) To take; as something that is, offered, given committed, sent, paid or the like; to accept; as to receive payment, a gift, a letter, homage.
2.) To admit; to take in; accommodate with shelter; hence to have capacity for , to hold; contain. The brazen alter that was before the Lord was too little to receive the burnt offerings 1 Kings 8:64
3.) To give (one) admittance, to permit, to enter, as into one's house, presence, company, and the like; as, to receive a lodger, visitor, ambassador, messenger, etc...; hence, to recognize the presence of; to greet; as, to receive an actor or speaker with applause or with hisses.
4.) To admit or accept in some character or capacity; as to receive one as guide or servant.
5.) To come into possession of, get, acquire or the like, from any source outside ones self or itself, without direct effort; to experience; to be subjected to; to undergo; as to receive sympathy, blessings, pain, instruction, the earth receives rain.
6.) To gain the knowledge of some communication, to receive a warning or news, to accept as true, valid or TO BELIEVE