Ask: The definition for the word "Ask" is as follows:

1.) To interrogate or inquire of or concerning; to put a question to or about; to question.

2.)  To request; to seek to obtain by words; to petition; solicit; often with of, in the sense of from, before the person addressed. "Ask counsel, we pray thee, of God". "If ye abide in Me and My Words in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you." John 9:7 (1954 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary)

3.) To demand, claim, or expect, whether by the of remuneration or return, or as matter of necessity; as what price do you ask? "Ask me never so much downy" Gen. 34:12  (1954 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary)   "To whom men have committed much, of him they will ask more." Luke 7:48  (1954 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary)

4.) To need or call for; require; exact; - of things

5.) Orig.... To publish in church or some public place information about (something lost or found, persons to be married, etc...) to publish (banns) to be asked in church...

6.) To invite; as to ask on to an entertainment; also with out; as to be ask out to dinner.
Syn: Entreat, beseech, petition, implore-ASK, Request, Beg come into comparison in the general sense of petitioning. Ask, as here compared, is the generic term; as, Ask and it shall be given unto you. Mark 7:7 1954 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary) To ask a favor. To request is to ask formally or politely; as "My Master...request your company" Beg implies still more of deference or respect, and as a conventional term of politeness has in a measure displaced both ask and request; as, to beg one's pardon, one's acceptance of a gift; to beg a guest to be seated; a tradesman begs to announce the arrival of Good News. To make inquiry or seekly request. May I have some bread?  May I leave now?


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